Quran proofs if a Hadith is true or fals 16:89
Posted by admin on August 23 2020 11:47:00

There are hunderttausends of Hadith and stories about Prophet Mohammed(SWS), which false and added by enemies of islam in islamic books.
To check if a Hadith or story about Prophet Mohammed(sws) is truth, you have to search and check the subject in Quran.
For example, the enemies of Islam added in islamic books, that Prophet Mohammed(sws) was married to Haisha when she was 9 years. Which is complete false, because in Quran is written (reaching marriageable age 3:6 Quran). So the added stories in islamic books about marriage of Prophet Mohammed(sws) with Haisha 9years old absolutly false. Quran makes clarify anything(16:89), the truth hadiths/stories about prophet Mohammed(sws) must have confirmation in Quran.
by Haji G. Ahmadzay