The Prisedents now feel the fear about the Punishment of Great Allah
Posted by admin on February 03 2020 09:14:37

The prisedents of China, USA, Israel, Europe,... felling now fear of Allah in their Vens and asking the Muslims to pray for stoping the diseas. But some stupid politicans of USA, Israel, European still ordering to their Slave(China governments) to continue with the program of Integraion(punishment of chinese Muslims). This devilfollowers do not know that more bad situation then China will face them in USA, Israel, Europa, if they do not stop disturbing Muslims. If they want to fight diseases, they have to follow quranic rolls, Forbids(no prostitution, no pork and sloughtering by using the name of Allah, no Alcohl, no morgages, no unhealthy foods, no guys and lisbeans, not eating death animals meats and blood,...).
Ask yourselfs, this Corona Virus and diseases forcing the people to wear hidden all of your body. This is enough sign, that the governments(even islamic governments) was going against Burka/Niqab(the cloths for good Muslem Women) and disturbing/forcing Muslems women to do not wearing Burka/Niqab. Now the only protection against this Virus is to hidd your all body and Allah force anybody if She/He wants or not to cover all Body.

Through the Virus Corona we can see that the Iranian Shiites are not Muslim people,
They want to be like Europeans. They do not pray at the time of their death to Great Allah and
 they do not recite the Qur'an and pray
to Allah. They want to be exactly like
Kafirs and Moshriks in China, Europe. Wath how they want to infect other people with disease
of Corona Virus