Internet, Google, Facebook,... are controlling your brain, your childeren your life
Posted by admin on March 23 2018 08:55:54
Internet, Google. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Windows, Phones, Iphones, TV,.... and all famouse Media are govermental devil Projects. It is watching. controlling and designing your brain, your Imaan(believing to Great Allah) your life, your childeren, Any where even in Europe/USA,...
We Muslims making mistake with Internet(PC, Smartphones,..) like our Father-Generation made mistake with TV.
We think that we choose in Internet what we have to read/study/watch for us and our Family. In reality the Internet we use by PC, Smartphones, TV,... giving us already-choosed-results according our IP, Fingerprints on Smartphones, Chips in our Wallets/Home/Office, our names, our believes(how strong you believe on Great Allah), our nationality, our Birthplace, our age,....
You can test like I has done. Just take an unregistrated Smartphone and tip there in Google the word of Islam or Europe,... It gives you some results, then close the page and let somebody else(out of your family or your childeren) to open the google and write the same word. It will come different results(after first advertising Link).
The Muslims get another Results then non-muslims or bad-muslims: WHY?
Because this devilfollowers are controlling us and puting Ideas our head to bring us in doubt about Islam/Quran and guiding us and our childeren to Evil-things like Prostitutions, Gamings, Muskis, Cartoons(Attention for non-muslims in Youtube comes educational Results then Muslims).
Now you have to be warned. That anything you and your Childeren read/watch in Internet is listed by some by some devil-govermental-Department or Agent. They(governmental-devil-Agents) controlling you and your Imaan at PC, Smartphones, Kurses, Schools, Socialworkers, Govermental connected NGOs, at Workplaces,....
As much you trust them, somuch you will be lost in Material-Live>>Guide you to make unjust, unright, stpidities,...