Salafis<>Suporting Wahabits<>Supporting Saudi Arabian Government<>Supporting Jews, Kafirs'
Posted by admin on April 05 2017 13:14:31
Every important thing is explained in Quran, and it is explained Who is Who. It is also explained who are Salafis.
According Quran 43:56 Great Allah punished the Jews/Farahos and made them Salafs(The pasts). Now when a group call themselfs Salaf, then means they are the punished past people before Islam.

After this verse of Quran 43:56 which Pork try to call himself Salaf? Only the Jew/Kafirs will like the name. There are thousands of names, why the choosed exactly this bad name? Because they are not muslims. And the Salafis also acting like Faraho/Jews(sloughtering the sons of Muslems). Why these animals do not sloughtering/fighting Kafirs/Jews? This animals Salafis doese not fight the Jewish in Israel and they go so far to Afghanistan to kill Muslims. We muslims have to react against these Jewish animals Armee. We muslim have to cut any relation with this Animals. Their name is according of Quran Kofr and their Actions are according Quran and islam against Islam and Muslims. Watch how the Salafis, Wahabits end to Jews

Salafis<>Suporting Wahabits<>Supporting Saudi Arabian Government<>Supporting Jews, Kafirs'