The Greatst Religion in the world is Islam
Posted by admin on September 08 2012 00:59:42
Years the non-muslims announcing that the Islam is after Christianity the second Great Religion in the world. How these liiers(non-muslims) counting? Lets now counting by thruths way.
1-Who goese to Church at least one time in week is a practising Christians. And most of practising muslims goese every fridays to mosques. A practising muslim is muslim.

Now we can go Fridays to Islamic countries and look into mosques how much prayers there.(the big mosques over 3000 and the small mosques over 200muslims). Allone in Afghanistan are 160.000mosques and Pakistan over 280.000.
160.000+280.000x200=88.000.000muslim prayers on Fridays
so now if we count all around the world allmost 800.000.000 muslims goes fridays in mosques.
Where is 800.000.000 christians on sunday in Churchs? So islam is the only one Greatst Religion in the World.