In Islam I have found the true faith for which I had been seeking so long
Posted by amad on July 04 2006 00:19:00
I devoted a considerable amount of my spare time to a thorough study of an English transaltion of the Holy Quran, and as I read over and over again, certain of the words of the Holy Prophet Muhamed (peace be upon him), I could not help but see that here, at last, in Islam I had found the true faith for which I had been seeking so long.
I would like to say that I feel confident, that if only people in this and other western countries can be brought to appreciate the full meaning of Islam, and what it stands for, the ranks of Islam will be daily swelled, only unfortunately there is a vast amount of missapperhension in the minds of many 'Free Thinkers' and others who still cling to their old creed simply because they require the moral courage to abandon a faith, with the principles of which they are, at variance, and to embrace Islam.
Walker H. Williams