Embracing Islam: Its joys and heartaches
Posted by admin on March 25 2008 19:28:12
Embracing Islam: Its joys and heartaches
I have now been a Muslim for one year and it is time to share my thoughts with you. I pray that every new Muslim receives the love and understanding he needs in his new life. I ask them to recall how it was when they first became Muslims.

Everytime the words, "There is no god but God and Muhammed is His Messenger" are uttered, the heavens smile. When an unbeliever becomes a Muslim with all his heart, it is the greatest moment in his life. May Allah not let them go astray.

In a way a new Muslim is a baby. But how can an adult be a baby? If you really think of it, you will realize how true it is. The new Muslim has many years behind him to undo and change. We might think there cannot be much to change or adjust to. Allah, of course, is
Compassionate; He understands. But some people think it can be done overnight. The new Muslim needs understanding and ought to be shown the new ways just as a growing baby.

In the first year of coming to Islam, they face heartaches. Some of these problems may seem silly or unimportant but when you actually live with them, they weigh so much more. You are no longer the part of the society in which you live all your life. It is truly frightening when the old life chases you, beckons you to come back. Then you need help more than ever. But you are afraid of it. May be this is a little hard to understand, so I will share with you how some sisters offered to help me but, unfortunately, I was too nervous to ask for it.

When I became a Muslim, I received serval names and phone members of Muslims who I could call for help and friendship. But no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't call them. It
was just so hard to take those first easy steps. I was so afraid. How to talk? What to say? What if they did't accept me? I believe Iam not the only new Muslim who felt like that. This situation is comparable to that of a baby when it tries to take first steps. The child is so eager to learn to walk but in the beginning he needs encouragement and support to try again when he falls down.

Some new Muslims are fortunate because even after conversion their families don`t reject them. What about those who are by themselves? They experience great pain when their families and friends reject them. Sometimes no one takes the change seriously and a usual comment is: "She must be going through a stage. Give her time she will be back to her old self." What can you do? You try to explain things. In return you receive cold stares. It is very upsetting to realize that everyone you love -- parents, family, friends are unbelivers. You love them so much thoughts are never far from the mind of a new Muslim. In expressing these thoughts I am not asking for pity; we do not need that. A new Muslim needs understanding, love and friendship. Remember that there is more to becoming Muslim than mere appearance.

Khadijah Abdullah