Why Islam is my choice?
Posted by admin on March 25 2008 19:27:34
Islam is the religion I have been seeking for since my school days. My mind was dissatisfied all along with the Christian teachings till I was old enough to have independence of thought to shake them off. Since I left school I have had the opportunity of spending a few years aboard, living with Jewish and Catholic friends, but their religions never appealed to me. Only this year I returned to my native country of Scotland and one day, quite by chance, a friend took me to an "AT Home" held at the London Muslim Prayer House, III, Campden Hill Road, Notting Hill Gate, London, W. 8. There it was that I came in touch with the true religion of Islam. I became interested in Islam, whose keynote is implicity--for instance, belief in the Unity of God. This is why it appeals to me. As a Christian I could never bring myself to believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, the Atonement or the Virgin Birth. Islam is absolutely free from such gross impossibilities that it was necessary for an innocent man like Jesus to come to the world and give his life to save it from sin, as the Christian dogma would have us believe, is beyond my comprehension. Further, the Crucifixion has not made the world any better (except, perhaps, the frew who tried to be like him). The world on the other hand, it seems to me, is worse than it was in Jesus Christ's lifetime.

To any thinking person who takes the trouble to understand Islam this simple and noble religion must appeal.

The religion of Islam has given me peace and happiness such as I never had before.

Miss Joan Fatima Dansken