Why I embraced Islam?
Posted by amad on February 12 2008 03:00:46

I have been asked why I embraced Islam? Here are some of my reasons. The first is that I do not believe the Christians of today are following the true teachings of Jesus Christ who, Iam convinced, taught the very same thing as was taught by Moses and by Abraham, and the other Messengers of God, and that is Islam, which means submission to the Will of God, and that is universal brotherhood, irrespective of colour or nationality. There I have always been doubtful and confused about the idea of God coming on Earth as Man for our salvation. Surely it will be more seemly for us to strive to uplift ourselves to Him by effort and prayer, and this for our salvation. Again, if Jesus were Almighty God, why did he always speak of my Father in Heaven and say: "Thy Will not mine be done?" Again and again Jesus told his followers that without the Will of the Father, he could do nothing. He prayed to to God all night in the garden of Gethsemane for strength and courage, and later, he cried "My God, why hast thou forsaken me?2 and then it is said that he "sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty." How could Jesus do these things and at the same time be God Almighty? It does not make sense. To my mind, God is superme, Universal, and very Loving. Jesus is one of His messengers. In Islam, Allah is the Universal God, Merciful and Compassionate, and Jesus is one of His Prophets sent to guide His creatures in the right way as Moses did, and to teach the same as Abraham taught(peace be on their names).

Muhammed(Peace and blessing on him) was sent to teach the very same Laws of God for man's benefit, and I believe that all the prophets, including Jesus, came to teach Islam, which is submission to the Will of God; and that a man becomes a truer Christian or Jew by way of Islam, than by any way advocated by the Christian or Jewish people today. For we are in direct line with the teaching of Abraham while they have gone astray Through misunderstanding. My point of view now, as a Muslima, is that I can esteem all the Prophets and say "Peace be on them." For as Muhammad(peace be on him) did, so did they also teach submission to the Will of One Eternal Universal God, tolerance, peacefulness, as opposed to aggression, steadfastness in one's faith in Allah Who alone knows what is for our good, the love of children and endurance through suffering for the Truth. It is indifference to, and laxity in faith that have made discord between nation and nation. People have become intolerant one to the other merely because the do not follow closely the teachings of their prophets. In Islam ther is tolerance and an acknowledgment of universal brotherhood. So, I may say, that I have accepted Islam because it fits in so well with my own ideas about Allah and His bountiful plan. It is the only Faith I really can understand. Indeed, such is its simplicity and beauty that even a little can understand it.

Rabbauna wa lakal-hamd.

Amina Le Fleming