16. Quit smoking?
Posted by amad on May 02 2007 03:45:01

16. Quit smoking?

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'innanī mudakhin mukhlis

I am a devoted smoker.

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astatīc 'an 'aqūl 'an tadkhīn as-sagā'ir yactabar taqrīban hawāyatī

Smoking cigarettes is almost my hobby.

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'anā 'udakhin cindamā 'akūn wahīdan wa-lākin 'udakhin 'akthar maca 'asdiqā'ī

I smoke many cigarettes when I am alone, but even more when I am with my friends.

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'ar-raqmu l-qiyāsī 'al-khās bī fī t-tadakhīn huwa mi'a wa-thalātha sajā'ir fī l-yawm

My personal record in smoking is 103 cigarettes in one day.

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wa-dhālika cindamā kuntu saghīran wa-sahatī mumtāza

But that was when I was younger and my health was perfect.

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bi-l-'ams tabībī nasahanī bi-l-'iqlāc cani t-tadkhīn

Yesterday, my doctor instructed me to quit smoking.

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'anā 'actaqidu 'idhā 'aqlactu cani t-tadkhīn, sa-astatīcu shirā' sayyara fiyāt uwnuw jadīda

I think that if I quit smoking, I could buy a new Fiat Uno.