Prophet Muhamad gave to the world the classic of classics which does not clash with science
Posted by amad on May 04 2006 16:24:15
The Western world has been slow to recognize the sterling qualities of Islam, and it has been very reluctant to acknowledge the debt it owes to the early Muslims for their contribution to the progress of civilization, the schience and culture. The world today owes much the greatest of all the prophets, Prophet Muhamed of blessed memory.
The Islamic faith is the only monotheistic faith in existence.It does not include a catalogue of saints nor a mathematical inconsistency like the Christian Trinity - three in one and one in three. It is a faith which has successfully withstood the ravages of intolerance and malignity. It is worthly of a most diligent study and its practice creates harmony, peace and morality.

A very learned librarian of Europe has established the fact that there are in existence today over 150,000 authorized versions of the New Testament alone. Which is the correct one? The question is unanswerable. But, in this respect the Muslim is not confronted with such a perplexing problem. There is but one Quran. Its authenticity is unquestioned by friend or foe.

So, too, if we consider the comparative qualities of the various founders of world religions, Prophet Muhamad(peace be upon him) did not lose his head in the cloud of idealism; and he lived as a man amongst men, practiced that which he preached and inspired emulation amongst his followers. Unlettered and unlearned, yet he gave to the world the classic of classics which does not clash with science nor does it contain the revolting tales found in the Bible.
Harry E. Heinkel