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>> The Jews Government Crimes
>> Signs of Great Allah.
Videos>> Video can be watch on youtube https://youtu.be/VmW4cW--Sto
>> Watch what the jews Leaders are for animals
>> Jews Leader crimes to Palestinians

>> Israel is the Stolen Land of Palestine

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>> The unthanksfull Jews. Comed as Refugees and took over the land of Palestinians.

The Questions are.
-How the Hitler SS Ships was bringing daily thousands of Jews from Europe to Haifa Palestine, when the Hitler wanted to kill them?
-How it is possible for Jews to take over Palestine within just 5 years in 1947? They says UK was helping, but Christians UK was pro Hitler and Vatikan?
-The story says that 6 million Jews was killed by Hitler. The Question is, 6 million body are almost 360 000 000kg. If they are buried, it must be now a mountain of Body or ash. And how is it possible to kill 6million within 2-3 or 5 years?

>> The real history of Palestinian will never be change by Jews in world History Books.

We ask Great Allah to help Palestinians to take back their Lands from Jews Tyranns.
The Jews was running away from Europe 2nd World War to Palestinian as Refugees, the Palestinians helped them and was giving them Asyl. That Jews and their next Generation after some year took that Palestinian Land and changed the name to Israel an killed Palestinians and destroyed their Houses. Cursed be on that Jews, who done that and cursed be on those people and counttries they supported and supporting Israel.
The Jews World Bank and those all Countries and Rich Companies who supporting Israel are stupid Animals, Because with those all money they spent in Gaza to take unrightly Palestinian Land to change it to Israel, they can build in Europe, USA, Australia, Canada top, modern Countries. What they are getting their, nothing. They bring thousands of people from Russian to their Israel(real name is Palestinians) under name of Jews and give them free money, Jobs,..... Completely stupety, paying for foreig people to build own Jew Community. It will never become the same Jews like them, it will come out at end orient less sick depressed generations. The same tricks are used in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia. They make wars or high-up prices in Asian, European poor countries that the people run to Europe, USA,.... to build up on them European, American Citizens. They will never become Europeans, Americans they will become just orientless sick depressed people.

The Solution for those imported generations in Israel, Europe, USA, Australia, Canada is to go back to their root countries. In Israel, Europe, USA they will always have a lost and wasted life. They have to end the devil importing culture system.

Ahmadzay Ahmad 2023, the all text is from my own brain, no one has supporting me to have this ideas and I belongs to no group. Notice for worse agents watching people.

>> دعاء للاموات A prayer for the Muslim dead
Islamic Teachings>> دعاء للاموات
• اللهمّ اجز الاموات عن الإحسان إحسانًا، وعن الإساءة عفوًا وغفرانًا.
• اللهم اغفر للموتى وعافهم واعف عنهم، وأكرم نزلهم، ووسع مدخلهم، واغسلهم بالماء والثلج والبرد، ونقهم من الذنوب كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس.
• اللهمّ إنّ الاموات نَزَلوا بك وأنت خير منزولٍ به، وأصبحوا فقراء إلى رحمتك، وأنت غنيٌّ عن عذابههم.
اللهمّ افسح للموتى في قبورهم مدّ بصرهم، وافرش قبورهم من فراش الجنّة.
• اللهمّ آتهم برحمتك ورضاك، وقهِم فتنة القبر وعذابه، وآتهم برحمتك الأمن من عذابك حتّى تبعثهم إلى جنّتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين.
• اللهمّ احم الموتى تحت الأرض، واستره يوم العرض، ولا تخزه يوم يبعثون “يوم لا ينفع مالٌ ولا بنون إلّا من أتى الله بقلبٍ سليم.
• اللهم آنس وحدتهم، وآنسهم في وحشتهم، وآنسهم في غربتهم، اللهم أنزلهم منزلًا منزلًا مباركًا، وأنت خير المنزلين، وأنزلهم منازل الشهداء والصديقين، وحسن أولئك رفيقًا.
• اللهم اغفر لهم وارفع درجتهم في المهديين، وافسح لهم قبورهم، ونور لهم فيه، واجعل قبورهم روضة من رياض الجنة، واغفر لنا ولهم يا أرحم الراحمين.
اللهم اجعل قبورهم روضة من رياض الجنة، ولا تجعله حفرة من حفر النار، اللهم افسح له في قبره مد بصره، وافرش قبره من فراش الجنة.
• اللهم اعذهم من عذاب القبر، وجفاف الأرض على جنبيه، واملًا قبره بالرضا والنور، والفسحة والسرور.
• اللهم إن عبادك في ذمتك وحبل جوارك، فقهم فتنة القبر، وعذاب النار، وأنت أهل الوفاء والحق، فاغفر لهم وارحمهم، إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم.
• اللهمّ ادخلهم الجنّة من غير مناقشة حساب، ولا سابقة عذاب.
• اللهمّ آنسهم في وحدتهم، وفي وحشتهم، وفي غربتهم.

A prayer for the dead
• O Allah, reward the dead for doing good, and for doing bad, pardon and forgiveness.
• O Allah, forgive the dead, heal them, pardon them, honor their abode, expand their entrance, wash them with water, snow and hail, and purify them from sins as a white garment is purified from dirt.
• Oh God, the dead have come down to you, and you are the best of them, and they have become poor to your mercy, and you are needless of their torment.
Oh God, widen the dead in their graves, extend their sight, and make their graves a bed of paradise.
• Oh God, charge them with Your mercy and satisfaction, protect them from the trial of the grave and its torment, and accuse them of Your mercy of security from Your torment until You send them to Your Paradise, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
• Oh God, protect the dead under the ground, and cover them on the Day of Resurrection, and do not disgrace them on the Day when they will be resurrected.
• Oh God, forget their loneliness, forget them in their loneliness, and forget them in their estrangement. O God, send them down to a blessed home, and You are the best of both, and send them down to the homes of the martyrs and the righteous, and the best of those are companions.

>> Advices
My best advice to young people and anyone with dreams
1- Your dreams are worthless and you will forget if you don't act.
2-Wherever you are now, you are a traveler and it is not a place where you will stay forever. You are traveling, be and live like a traveler. Don't eat much because your journey will be difficult, don't collect items much because your load will be heavy, don't have money much because you will definitely encounter thieves everywhere (road, gathering, family,...). You were created here for an important reason. You have an important duty to serve Allah and you are here to be patient, to forgive and to share your wealth (with your family, the poor, the poor, the orphans).

3- Start reciting the Holy Quran, it is not necessary to be perfect or a sheikh to recite the Holy Quran. Start it, recite it wherever you are among people, and see how Allah will reward you in this world.

4- Don't be afraid of failure and people's negative comments or negative judgments, because in order to find your destiny, success, and purpose, you need negative comments and judgments.
5- Do good or go here and there to do good. Allah opens the way for you.
Haji Ghufran Ahmadzay
>> Great Allah has destroyed the Christians cities in Turkey earthquake
دمر الله الكثير من الكنائس المسيحية والعديد من ممتلكاتها في الزلزال الذي ضرب تركيا. هذا تحذير لنا نحن المسلمين بأن الأديان الأخرى باطلة. إن اتباعهأو أن يصبحوا مثلهم أو عيش نمط حياتهم سيؤدي إلى العديد من الكوارث (الأسرة ، الثروة ، الجنون ، المرض ، ... الموت).
احمدزاي غفران

Der große Allah hat beim Erdbeben in der Türkei 2023 viele Kirchen und ihre verschiedenen Orte zerstört, die Christen gehörten. Dies warnt uns Muslime, dass die anderen Religionen falsch sind. Ihnen zu folgen oder den Wunsch zu haben, wie sie zu sein oder in ihrem Lebensstil zu leben, wird mit vielen Desastern enden (Familie, Reichtum, Verrücktheit, Krankheiten, .... Tod).

لله تعالی د په ترکیه زلزله کې د عیسویانو ډیری کلیساګانې او د دوی ډیری ملکیت ځایونه ویران کړل. دا موږ مسلمانانو ته خبرداری دی چې نور دینونه دروغ دي. د دوی پیروي کول یا د دوی په څیر کیدو یا د دوی د ژوند طرز ژوند کول به د ډیری آفتونو (کورنۍ ، شتمني ، لیونیتوب ، ناروغۍ ، ... مرګ) سره مخ شي.

خداوند بسیاری از کلیساهای مسیحی و بسیاری از اموال آنها را در زلزله ترکیه ویران کرد. این هشداری برای ما مسلمانان است که ادیان دیگر دروغ هستند. پیروی از آنها یا شبیه شدن به آنها یا سبک زندگی آنها منجر به بلایای بسیاری (خانواده، ثروت، جنون، بیماری، ... مرگ) می شود.

اللہ نے ترکی میں آنے والے زلزلے میں بہت سے عیسائی گرجا گھروں اور ان کی بہت سی املاک کو تباہ کر دیا۔ یہ ہم مسلمانوں کے لیے ایک تنبیہ ہے کہ دوسرے مذاہب باطل ہیں۔ ان کی پیروی کرنا یا ان جیسا بننا یا ان کا طرز زندگی گزارنا بہت سی آفات (خاندان، دولت، پاگل پن، بیماری، ... موت) کا باعث بنے گا۔
احمد زئی غفران

>> Quran 6:103
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